收藏本站 让广大创业者及微小企业便捷、省心、省钱。


1.Let me hold a hug after graduation. I dont want to leave with regrets.

2.This early summer would like to cry. But we have agreed to graduate every time. You cant cry.

3.Remember to look back at your mistakes from time to time, but never regret them銆?/p>

4.I loved you銆?I leave you銆?I鈥檒l miss you銆?/p>

5.Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions銆?/p>

6.Because when young, with a total want of good in the future銆?/p>

7.dont be disappointed on the journey of life.there are

8.if you are missing someone銆?/p>

9.A really good friend will make you feel fortable being who you are銆?/p>

10.To you for more and more , but only in mind銆?/p>

11.I love him most crazy with a bang銆?/p>

12.鎭愬繂 鎭愬繂浣犵惀鐝€鑸槑婢堢殑鍙岀湼 鎭愬繂浣犺櫧闈掓订鍗寸暐甯︽殩鎰忕殑鍡撻煶 鎭愬繂浣犲強涓夊昂璁插彴鏃堕偅鏃犲瀹夋斁鐨勭礌鎵?鈥︹€?All you have, have been engraved in my heart. 鍞効浣?涓€鍒囧畨濂?缂樿

13.Thank all the students in the University for 3 years,I will remember,a lifetime of remember.

14.Do you remember the days when we were together?I hope we can continue after graduation.

15.though time may change so many things, the happiness that friendship brings is never changed.灏界宀佹湀浣夸竾鐗╁彉杩? 浣嗗弸璋婂甫缁欐垜浠殑蹇箰姘歌繙涓嶄細鍙樸€?/p>

16.A hug distance is exactly right for me when thoughts freeze銆?/p>

17.Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation. 绁濊春浣犳瘯涓?骞惰嚧浠ヨ壇濂界殑绁濇効銆?/p>

18.Pack out really is worse than promiscuous銆?/p>

19.Play this should not be out of the play, the only thing to do is timely to leave銆?/p>

20.if life cheats you,dont be disappointed and worried.calmneis needed in melancholy days.believe that pleasantneis ing.long for the bright future though you are unhappy. all will paby and

21.I dont always want to leave you,just want to see your smile,hear your laughter.

22.When the memory on the bank銆?/p>

23.The most cherished thing in life is friendship.The most precious thing between us is understanding.

24.A riot of colours to wait銆?/p>

25.Oblivion is what we cant change. Everything is like a blueprint without align. All of the past cant go back to the past.

26.may your life be filled with luck and happiness!

27.time is flying away,and years are passing by.only our

28.We dont cry after graduation.But disappointing tears still fall down.

29.Parting is temporary,and the life is forever,leaving the breeding of love,so that our love is more intense.

30.Congratulations锛?graduate銆丮ay all your dreams and plans turn to fulfillment and success銆佺璐轰綘锛屾瘯涓氱敓銆傛効浣犳ⅵ鎯虫垚鐪燂紝涓囦簨濡傛剰銆?/p>

31.Graduation is not only an end to a period, also a mencement of a new period and I hope that future years will bring you continued happiness.姣曚笟涓嶄粎鏄竴涓椂鏈熺殑缁撴潫,鑰屼笖鏄竴涓椂鏈熺殑寮€绔€傛垜甯屾湜鏈潵鐨勫瞾鏈堝皢缁х画缁欎綘甯︽潵骞哥銆?/p>

32.The good seaman is known is bad weather.

33.Meet and bid farewell to the sail and offshore,is the end of the past happy,the beginning of the future of happiness.

34.Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man銆?/p>

35.Congratulations on your graduation and hope the future will bring you success and a whole wide world of happiness.鎭春瀛︽垚姣曚笟,鎰夸綘鍚夋槦楂樼収,楣忕▼涓囬噷!

36.Today,we are close classmates;tomorrow,we will be petitors.May the friendship be more profound in the petition.

37.We always plain about school this place before graduation,after graduation,it did we miss the most,remember too much.

38.My friend,I would press you all to my heart.

39.There will always be one or two people will be robbed of your ready to grab the lens.

40.when we graduated we were together. 姣曚笟鏃?鎴戜滑鍦ㄤ竴璧枫€?lets hope,were still together in the future. 甯屾湜鏈潵,鎴戜滑杩樿兘鍐嶇浉閬囥€?/p>

41.Looking at the empty dormitory and the cabinet,always feel left behind,I left my missing for you.

42.if i should meet thee,after long years,how should i greet thee?

43.鍚屽浠紝姣曚笟閭eぉ锛岃鍝氨鍝紝璇ョ瑧灏辩瑧锛岃闂瑰氨闂癸紝璇ヨ〃鐧界殑琛ㄧ櫧锛岃鎷ユ姳鐨勬嫢鎶便€係tudents, graduation day, the cry cry, the smile on the laugh, the trouble on the alarm, the confession of the confession, the embrace of the embrace.

44.Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness.璇峰厑璁告垜涓轰綘姣曚笟琛ㄧず绁濊春,鎰夸綘鏈潵鍓嶇▼浼奸敠,鐢熸椿骞哥!

45.Graduation photos,and not our brilliant smile.Because we are about to separate.

46.My next life to the University,must find a 11 p.m.no lights.

47.I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience銆?/p>

48.Graduation season.Friendship does not graduate,youth does not graduate.

49.We win,lose,theres nothing to be fearful of!

50.Remember the graduation ceremony,said the words can not say.

51.After graduation,we say happy to leave,but tears are not obedient farewell dinner that day to flow down.

52.Graduation means change,and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind. 姣曚笟鎰忓懗鐫€鍙樺寲,鎰忓懗鐫€鎶婇偅浜涢毦浠ュ繕鍗寸殑闈㈠瓟鍜屽湴鏂圭暀鍦ㄨ蹇嗘繁澶?/p>


54.Do you still remember the campus in the colored pebble paved path? Lined with colorful flowers flower trim and green liusi FIMBRISTYLIS. How many morning and evening, we were walking along the road...... It is with the friendship, in my memory, but also in your impression.

55.Next summer,the classroom will be filled again,but it is not us.

56.Sincere congratulations on your graduation from the Graduate School of Chemistry of鈥niversity.We have heard of the excellent record you made in your studies.We are very proud of you and avail ourselves of this opportunity to extend to you our best wishes for your bright future and happiness.

57.Thanks anyway.鏃犺濡備綍鎴戣繕鏄緱璋㈣阿浣犮€?/p>


59.After graduation,may miss the bedroom lying on the relaxed and joyful feeling.

60.You missed the last train.

61.Selfreverence,selfknowledge,selfcontrol,these three alone lead life to sovereign power.

62.It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.Whatever you dream for, whatever you hope to achieve may e true with your effort in the future. Remember that nothing is out of your reach if only you first believe.

63.and if hou wilt, remember, and if thou wilt, forget.鍋囧浣犳効鎰?灏辨妸鎴戞€€蹇?鍋囧浣犳効鎰?灏辨妸鎴戝繕鍗淬€?/p>

64.Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the mencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.绁濊春浣犳瘯涓?骞惰嚧浠ユ渶缇庡ソ鐨勭绂忋€傛効杩欎竴澶╂垚涓轰綘涓嶆柇鍙栧緱鏇村ぇ鎴愬氨鐨勬柊鐨勫紑濮嬨€?/p>

65.From small beginning e great things.

66.We are very happy to extend to you our utmost congratulations on your finishing your college course so successfully.May you enter a more successful life and the future years bring you continued happiness. 浣犱互浼樺紓鐨勬垚缁╁畬鎴愪簡澶у瀛︿笟,鎴戜滑寰堥珮鍏村苟绁濊春浣犮€傛効浣犳湭鏉ョ殑鐢熸椿鏇存垚鍔?骞朵笉鏂湴缁欎綘甯︽潵骞哥銆?/p>

67.Quietly gone, just time, and our youth銆傛倓鐒堕€濆幓鐨?涓嶄粎浠呮槸鏃堕棿,杩樻湁鎴戜滑鐨勯潚鏄ャ€?/p>

68.while there is life there is hope.涓€鎭嫢瀛?甯屾湜涓嶇伃銆?/p>

69.We are extremely delighted to hear of your scholarship to Beijing University.You are worthy of success.Best wishes for your bright future. 鍚浣犺崳鑾峰寳浜ぇ瀛︾殑濂栧閲?浣犲綋涔嬫棤鎰с€傜浣犲墠閫旀棤閲?


71.It is your graduation day銆丳lease accept my best wishes for your bright future銆佸湪浣犳瘯涓氫箣鏃讹紝璇锋帴鍙楁垜鏈€缇庡ソ鐨勭绂忥紝绁濅綘鍓嶇▼浼奸敠銆?/p>

72.Maybe a turn,it is always stainless parting graduates.

73.I join with all your friends in offering my sincere congratulations on your graduation.The world needs young people today with vision and courage to help build a better place for humanity.Wish you well in all your undertakings and hope that you will find your career a source of great joy and happiness.

74.a good beginning is half the battle銆?濂界殑寮€绔瓑浜庢垚鍔熶竴鍗娿€?/p>

75.To graduate,want to see those dimples,heart inexplicable loss.

76.sculpting in time of memories, years precipitate the feelings, because once touched, so unforgettable. 鏃跺厜闆曞埢鐫€鍥炲繂锛屽瞾鏈堟矇娣€浜嗘儏鎰燂紝鍥犱负鏇剧粡鎰熷姩锛屾墍浠ラ毦浠ュ繕鎬€

77.Let us wipe off the sweat of youth and stride forward,listening to the spring thunder throughout the journey! Outside the school gate what is greeting us is a glorious future. 璁╂垜浠繄寮€澶ф,鎸ユ磼闈掓槬鐨勬睏姘?韪忎竴璺槬闆?鏍¢棬澶?杩庢帴鎴戜滑鐨勬槸椴滆姳浼奸敠鐨勫墠绋嬨€?/p>

78.But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.鍙鎴戜竴鎯宠捣浣?浜茬埍鐨勪汉,鎵€鏈夌殑澶辫惤鍜岄仐鎲剧儫娑堜簯鏁?/p>

79.I wish you the best of luck in the new year.

80.The heart is void; give him love, and he will be good; give him hatred, and he will be ugly. The childs heart is more beautiful, because he is in the atmosphere of love.



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